Monday, April 15, 2013

Do not spoil me....

It is my inner talk; I can’t tell everything in open and loudly please understand me…
  •    Do not spoil me. I know quite well that I ought not to have all I ask for. I am only testing you.
  •   Don’t be afraid to be firm with me. I prefer it. It lets me know where I stand.
  •   Do not use force with me. It teaches me that power is all that counts will respond more readily to being led.
  •  Do not be inconsistent that confuses me and makes me try harder to get away with everything that I can.
  • Do not make promises you may not be keep them and that will discourage my trust in you
  • Do not be too upset when I say I hate you, I don’t mean it but I want you to feel sorry for what I think you have done to me.
  •  Do not make me feel smaller that I am. I will make up for it by behaving like a big shot.
  • Do not do things for me that I could do for myself, it makes me feel like a baby and I may continue to put you in my service.
  • Do not let my bad habits get me lot of your attention. It only encourages me to continue them.
  • Do not correct me in front of people. I will take much more notice if you talk with me in private.
  • Do not make me feel my mistake sins. I have to learn from my mistakes without feelings that I am no good.
  • Do not nag, if you do, will have to protect myself by appearing deaf.
  • Do not demand explanations for my wrong behavior. I do not know why I did it.
  • Do not tax my honesty too much. I am easily frightened into telling lies. When you know    I did it, tell me.
  • Do not forget that I like to experiment. I need to  learn so don’t belittle my ideas.