Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Common World!!!

Day by day we are witnessing thousands of crimes worldwide. Theft, Murder and other different Types. Why this all because? Think for while... is there any answer. It is the matter of "Breaking News" for social Medias that a boy/girl committed suicide, girl abused and so on... is this matter of shame for us? Got reasons, we can say thousands of reasons. But it’s sure that it is because of our Fault, a fault of civilizes society. Generally the happening is the result of past and it will decide the future. All crimes are the result of "low moral values" Does it seems we are losing the values and making adjustments with our principles. The answer is yes. It is in critical condition due to many reasons. The first and the for most
  • Change in the family Pattern
  • Alteration to traditions
  • Acceptance of New things(unscientifically)
  • Social Medias in  its Bad side and many more
So there is an Emergency to build "Moral Values". Then the real question arises, that to whom it is needed?

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