Sunday, April 07, 2013

Education is needed...

Education is needed for everyone.but again it is a matter of 5W,1H. 
We made an attempt to know and give definitions for What? to Whom? Why? When? and Where?
in the matter of WHAT? we thought of following issues or the present Topics

About Environment

About Culture

About Future

  • Environment balancers
  • Medicinal plant and about many spices
  • Importance of environment
  • Eco friendly Education
  • How to behave in Tourist places
  • Local employment Creation with sustainable Eco tourism.
  • Culture-importance
  • Moral Education


  • The Public
  • Unemployed
  • Localities
  • Students

 WHY? (The need for Education)

  • Lacking in Awareness
  • Utilize the Available opportunities
  • Reduce Migration
  • Guidance
  • when there is an Emergence of NEED.
Respectively depend on kind of Education which we provide...

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