Monday, April 15, 2013

Do not spoil me....

It is my inner talk; I can’t tell everything in open and loudly please understand me…
  •    Do not spoil me. I know quite well that I ought not to have all I ask for. I am only testing you.
  •   Don’t be afraid to be firm with me. I prefer it. It lets me know where I stand.
  •   Do not use force with me. It teaches me that power is all that counts will respond more readily to being led.
  •  Do not be inconsistent that confuses me and makes me try harder to get away with everything that I can.
  • Do not make promises you may not be keep them and that will discourage my trust in you
  • Do not be too upset when I say I hate you, I don’t mean it but I want you to feel sorry for what I think you have done to me.
  •  Do not make me feel smaller that I am. I will make up for it by behaving like a big shot.
  • Do not do things for me that I could do for myself, it makes me feel like a baby and I may continue to put you in my service.
  • Do not let my bad habits get me lot of your attention. It only encourages me to continue them.
  • Do not correct me in front of people. I will take much more notice if you talk with me in private.
  • Do not make me feel my mistake sins. I have to learn from my mistakes without feelings that I am no good.
  • Do not nag, if you do, will have to protect myself by appearing deaf.
  • Do not demand explanations for my wrong behavior. I do not know why I did it.
  • Do not tax my honesty too much. I am easily frightened into telling lies. When you know    I did it, tell me.
  • Do not forget that I like to experiment. I need to  learn so don’t belittle my ideas.

Sunday, April 07, 2013

Education is needed...

Education is needed for everyone.but again it is a matter of 5W,1H. 
We made an attempt to know and give definitions for What? to Whom? Why? When? and Where?
in the matter of WHAT? we thought of following issues or the present Topics

About Environment

About Culture

About Future

  • Environment balancers
  • Medicinal plant and about many spices
  • Importance of environment
  • Eco friendly Education
  • How to behave in Tourist places
  • Local employment Creation with sustainable Eco tourism.
  • Culture-importance
  • Moral Education


  • The Public
  • Unemployed
  • Localities
  • Students

 WHY? (The need for Education)

  • Lacking in Awareness
  • Utilize the Available opportunities
  • Reduce Migration
  • Guidance
  • when there is an Emergence of NEED.
Respectively depend on kind of Education which we provide...

Friday, April 05, 2013

Educate People....

We think there is a need of education regarding this. There are many things to educate people, but in present sense need of “Environmental Education”. None of us know the secret behind the creation of “Mother Earth”, but made an attempt to know, Thanks god. We did not. Think if we knew the secret we might have used the earth as per our selfishness, and played with it. But it is not. So, as sayings “Single minute is enough to destroy many days effort, but it takes hundred days to make it again’. At least know we need to educate about the issues, what are all those? And to whom it will be? Again it’s a question…..



What Next??

We human beings are living in “Planet Earth” and we considered Earth as a mother because we got birth in its shelter. But the present condition is not in the favor of mother. There is a saying that “Wants are endless” and human beings are most selfish in the world. So we ourselves created a hell in earth knowingly in different manner and now searching place in other planets. For our personal use we used Environment and Nature and now saying, save nature, save earth… and many more. Imagine, the situation it is same for future? What will be the life of future world? How they need to sustain their life? Millions of questions will arise in a second. But what will be the answer???

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Cause and effect...

If we see the reality we can observe young people are getting involved in the crime. Especially the age group between 20-40 is more. So there is a need to educate this age group. But it seems very difficult.

At the same if we give attention towards juvenile delinquency rate it shows upper direction from “Zero”. So it is confirmed that even the root level of the society also have been spoiled.

In our sense, we made an observation regarding the issue from the last decade, it shown that the society has been changed and even children too. Then we thought of making survey to assess the moral level and got fear factor. And we started searching the reasons and made discussion to change it. Finally remembered the older days that is ‘Stories” which gave moral education unknowingly. And finally we thought of go with a strong choice, rather than making an experiment.
Got succeed with the methodology after many failures and alterations and now model is ready in the name of “Samskara” a program to develop morale of school child in this emergency era. Most of the families and parents appreciated the program because their child is under control and many of their children made use of it. Finally this year the project has been introduced with the help of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and the Department of education. 

Common World!!!

Day by day we are witnessing thousands of crimes worldwide. Theft, Murder and other different Types. Why this all because? Think for while... is there any answer. It is the matter of "Breaking News" for social Medias that a boy/girl committed suicide, girl abused and so on... is this matter of shame for us? Got reasons, we can say thousands of reasons. But it’s sure that it is because of our Fault, a fault of civilizes society. Generally the happening is the result of past and it will decide the future. All crimes are the result of "low moral values" Does it seems we are losing the values and making adjustments with our principles. The answer is yes. It is in critical condition due to many reasons. The first and the for most
  • Change in the family Pattern
  • Alteration to traditions
  • Acceptance of New things(unscientifically)
  • Social Medias in  its Bad side and many more
So there is an Emergency to build "Moral Values". Then the real question arises, that to whom it is needed?